architecture model, 2-tier, 3-tier and 4-tier data warehouse

 Two parts:
1) Client Application (Client Tier)
2) Database (Data Tier)
 On client applicatio...Advantages:
 Easy to maintain and modification is bit easy

 Communication is faster

 Performance will ...3-TIER ARCHITECTURE
 Web based application
 Three layers:

1) Client layer
2) Business layer

3) Data layer

 Client Layer
 Contains UI part of our application
 This layer is used for the design purpose where data is
presented to ...Business layer
 All business logic written like validation of data,

calculations, data insertion etc…
 This acts as a i...Data layer
 Actual database is comes in the picture

 Contains methods to connect with database and to
perform insert, u...Advantages
 Performance – Because the Presentation tier can cache

requests, network utilization is minimized, and the lo...Advantages(contd)
 High degree of flexibility in deployment platform and

 Improve Data Integrity

 Impro...If this presentation helped you, please visit our
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4 tier architecture

in a 4 tier architecture Database -> Application -> Presentation -> Client Tier .. where does the BI layer fit in? i just want to add BI piece to something like below but I am not sure how to proceed.